Practical English Education

As shown from our past experiences and achievements, we offer authentic English education which strengthens your academic abilities and English communication skills.

Ever since YMCA established the first English school (current language school) in Japan, we have been enforcing our authentic English education by utilizing our past experiences and achievements.
60~80 percent of English classes are taught by native English-speaking teachers to ensure improvement of your English communication skills, while Japanese teachers help you consolidate the foundation of your English abilities through grammar and reading lessons.
Unique elective classes offered by native English-speaking teachers are also available.

Thorough Completion the 4 Core Skills

One of our school mottos, “We Celebrate Our Differences,” ensures that you will learn about diverse perspectives.

  • Listening・Speaking

    Our daily classes expose you to English, from which you naturally develop your listening abilities. At the same time, you also build the basis of your conversation skills through daily communication with your peers and teachers. You will also learn to “listen”, which is the basic attitude for accepting other cultures.

  • Reading

    You will nurture your reading skills from the two reading classes, Intensive and Extensive Reading. Enhance your comprehension skills from Intensive Reading, and increase your reading speed from Extensive Reading.

  • Writing

    IHS helps you cultivate your writing skills by following the steps: words→sentences→paragraphs→essay.
    Daily English journals will polish your writing abilities.

  • Grammar

    “Grammar is a backbone of language”. In order to write and speak correctly, learning grammar is essential.

  • Immersion classes

    Immersion Education offers various subjects taught in English.
    Since its establishment, IHS has developed our immersion education through various classes taught in English, from math to P.E., art to world history.

    Unique Classes IHS Offers in English
    World History、Science、Math、Model U.N.、Modern Social Issues、Art、Psychology、P.E. etc...

By attaining all these skills, you will be able to acquire high level English communication skills that is not just used for daily conversations.

We have been selected as one of the three top schools for promoting Osaka prefecture’s “Practical English education project”

Since 2011, Osaka prefecture has been promoting its “Practical English education project” by supporting schools that conduct more practical English education through “TOEFL iBT”.
This is done in order to develop English communication skills of high school and Upper Secondary Specialized Training School students in Osaka.
Through this project, Osaka prefecture grants aid to institutions that provide English developmental programs. Each candidate school organizes a team of selected students whose average TOEFL iBT score gets competed against other teams. Only four schools, one of which is IHS, have received above average scores and thus have been approved by the project.

What is TOEFL iBT?

The TOEFL iBT test measures your ability to use and understand English at the university level. And it evaluates how well you combine your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills to perform academic tasks.