
Discover your future with the unique curriculum of YMCA IHS

One of the unique characteristics of Upper Secondary Specialized Training School is that it can develop its own original curriculum.
At IHS, we offer three years of experiential learning, both international and domestic training and study programs, and an English curriculum that can ensure the improvement of your English level.
At YMCA, you can actively speak English with your peers of foreign nationals and international students studying at YMCA schools. We believe that applying to colleges or acquiring certificates are not the purpose of this school, and instead should be a milestone for your future career.
Throughout your three years at IHS, we will assist you in order to find possibilities that are elsewhere unattainable.

Curriculum with a focus on practical English skills and three learning goals 3rd year: Able to flourish as global citizens who can express themselves in a world filled with diversity. 2nd year: Opportunities to study abroad as well as obtaining domestic internships through YMCA’s global network. 1st year: Master communication in English and develop skills to hold in depth conversations as well as establishing relationships with each other.

Curriculum Characteristics

1. Diverse elective classes

1. Diverse elective classes

A wide variety of classes (only available at IHS) can stimulate your intellectual curiosity. You will also have the option to select courses most suitable to your desired career.

2. Japanese Education

2. Japanese Education

We have developed a joint program with Osaka YMCA International College Japanese Language School, in which you can be enrolled in IHS while studying Japanese from the basics.

3. Schedule

3. Schedule

Each student has their own unique schedule to follow. In the link below, an example of a second-year student’s schedule can be viewed.